Are you struggling with credit card debt? How about unpaid medical bills or unsatisfied judgments? Utility shut off notices? Harassing collection calls? Income tax debt? Or perhaps your driver license is suspended because of a motor vehicle accident? Perhaps you feel that there is no way out but the Bankruptcy Laws of Chapter 7 can help you take control of your unique financial situation if you qualify and help you get a fresh start. The decision of filing bankruptcy is a very personal one and the Law Office of Jermaine Harris can help you navigate through this process and determine whether Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is best for you. For nearly two decades, our office has been helping honest, hard working Greater Philadelphia citizens get out of debt and begin the process of rebuilding their credit through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Are you about to lose your home or perhaps an investment property due to foreclosure? How about your motor vehicle? Do you owe more on your motor vehicle than it is worth? Or perhaps your income is significant and you do not qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, but you may need to consolidate your bills and “pay cents on the dollar” to your creditors. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is very complicated and those considering filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy need the assistance of a skilled attorney who understands the complexities of the bankruptcy laws. For years, the Law Offices of Jermaine Harris has helped citizens of the Greater Philadelphia area save their homes and keep their valued possessions through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. We will fully advise you of the advantages and disadvantages of filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – or whether it is even necessary to file bankruptcy.
Please call the Law Offices of Jermaine Harris at (215) 385-1091 for a free phone consultation or email us at